Sushi Blog — white strawberry

Strawberry Cake Feast

Posted by Sadao Sasaki on

As part of celebrating the strawberry season in Japan, Simon and Martina are excited to have cakes for dinner.  Each dessert in their selection has strawberry.  Adding to the cakes is strawberry wine to top off the strawberry feast.

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One strawberry priced at $10

Posted by Sadao Sasaki on

Miyoshi Agritech Co. developed its own brand of strawberry that is so unique it became one of the most sought-after gift item.  What is different about this strawberry is its color.  The brand strawberry is white instead of red that people expect and it costs $10 and that is for just one strawberry. Grown in a strictly-temperature controlled greenhouse, the white fruit takes longer to grow than red strawberries and it has higher sugar content because of its longer growth period.

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